Appraisal is a method used by management to assess the contribution made by each employee to the organisation



Important part of personnel function.


Helpful mechanism


All staff participate


Appraisals can be completed either annually, quarterly or are performance related.




Appraisal is a way of getting feedback on employees performance.


The general idea about appraisal is that it helps individual employees to become more effective.


Schemes are set up within organisations so that employee performance can be evaluated through observation and discussion.


The appraisal system usually consists of:


1.    Review –


What is the appraisee’s job and how has it changed ?


How effectively is it being performed ?


What are the difficulties ?


2.    Action. –


Sets out priorities for any development or training needs.


Agrees targets to be set


Identifies any support that is needed




3.    Monitoring –


Are the targets achieved ?



Open or Closed Appraisal ?


Open  - The appraisee takes an active part in the review process and discusses the results.


Closed – The appraisee’s report is confidential, The closed appraisal is used by management  as a form of control. There is no access for the appraisee to the report


Today most appraisal systems are open and the employees are encouraged to participate in the achievement of the organisations goals.




Benefits to Employee


1.  Am I Doing a good job ?

2.  Are there any ways I can do my job better ?

3.  Can I improve my career prospects ?


Benefits to Employer


1.  Stimulate Performance.

2.  Develop potential

3.  Set targets

4.  Reward above average achievement

5.  Ensure that promotion is based on sound criteria