Comparative Psychology
Classical and Operant Conditioning with respect to Learning
Classical Conditioning - (Pavlovian
A type of learning in which an organism comes to
associate different events. Thus a neutral stimulus(NS), after being paired with
an unconditioned stimulus(UCS), begins to trigger a response that anticipates
and prepares for the unconditioned stimulus(UCS)
Unconditioned Response (UCR) - In classical
conditioning,the unlearned, automatic response to the unconditioned stimulus,
such as salivation when food is in the mouth.
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) - In classical
conditioning, a stimulus that naturally and automatically triggers a response
without conditioning.
Conditioned Response (CR) - In classical
conditioning, the learned response to a conditioned stimulus
Conditioned Stimulus (CS) - In classical
conditioning, an originally neutral stimulus that, after association with an
unconditioned stimulus (UCS), comes to trigger a conditioned response.
Pavlov's Experiments
completed his classical conditioning experiments with dogs (See separate sheet)
Pavlov eventually distinguished 5 major
conditioning processes; 1) Acquisition, 2) Extinction, 3) Spontaneous Recovery,
4) Generalisation and 5) Discrimination
1) Acquisition - The initial stage of learning,
during which a response is established and gradually strengthened. In classical
conditioning, the phase in which a stimulus comes to evoke a conditioned
2) Extinction - In classical conditioning, the
diminishing of a response when a conditioned stimulus (cs) is not followed by an
unconditioned stimulus (ucs)
3) Spontaneous Recovery - The reappearance,
after a rest period, of an extinguished conditioned response.
4) Generalisation - The tendency, once a
response has been conditioned, for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus
to evoke similar responses.
5) Discrimination - In classical conditioning,
the ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and similar but
irrelevant stimuli.
Pavlov concluded that classical conditioning is
one way that virtually all organisms learn to adapt to their environment.
Classical Conditioning and Behaviourism -
Watson argued that behaviour could be understood
in the term of conditioned
responses.He also argued that learning could be studied by observing behaviour
of people, in the same way that rats, cats and dogs were observed. In a famous
study 'Little Albert' he demonstrated how specific fears might be conditioned in
humans. Their subject was an 11 month old infant named Albert. 'Little Albert'
like most infants, feared loud noises, but not white rats. So Watson and
Rayner(1920) presented him with a white rat and as he reached out to touch it,
struck a hammer against a steel bar just behind his head. After seven
repetitions of seeing the rat and hearing the frightening noise, Albert burst
into tears at the mere sight of the rat. Also 5 days later Albert showed
generalisation of his conditioned response to the rat by reacting with fear when
presented with a rabbit and a dog.
Cognitive Learning - Tolman and Honzik(1930)
Tolman studied Cognitive learning in rats,
Tolman and Honzick showed that learning can take place without reinforcement by
using rats in a maze and demonstrating that some learning had taken place in
rats that had run the maze without any reward. According to Tolman these rats
had learned a cognitive map of the maze. This concept received dramatic support
when the rats had several trials without reward,and were then presented with the
opportunity to get food at the end of the maze. Their completion time dropped
remarkably. It appeared that their earlier experience of the maze had
potentiated their learning for the later very quick runs.
Observational Learning - Social Learning
Theory - Bandura et al (1961).
Bandura et al argued that learning takes place
via modelling.
process of observing and then imitating a specific behaviour is often called
modelling. We learn certain specific social behaviours through modelling. A very
famous study devised by Bandura et al(1961) used modelling to find out if
aggression was socially learnt behaviour. The experiment was conducted as
follows ' A nursery school child is at work on a picture. An adult in another
part of the room is working with some Tinker Toys. The adult then gets up and
for nearly 10 minutes, kicks and throws a large inflated Bobo doll around the
room, all the while yelling such remarks as "sock him in the nose...Hit him
down.....Kick him."
After observing this outburst, the child is
taken to another room where there are many appealing toys. But soon the
experimenter interrupts the child's play and explains that she has decided to
save these good toys "for the other children." The frustrated child is
now taken to an adjacent room containing a few toys including a bobo doll. Left
alone what does the child do ? Compared to other children who were not exposed
to the adult model, those children who had observed the aggressive outburst were
much more likely to lash out at the doll. Apparently, observing the adult model
beating up the doll had lowered their inhibitions. But something more than
lowered inhibitions was at work, for the children also imitated the very acts,
using the identical words, that they had observed.
Gestalt approach - Kohler(1925)
Kohler argues that animals used a higher form of
learning called insight, this is basically a higher form of learning where the
animal realises that previous behaviour cannot resolve the problem that now
confronts them. The problem may then be reflected on and several solutions
considered. When the actual solution is found it is acted it is acted upon so
quickly so as to resemble a burst of insight. Kohler argued that learning was a
matter of perceptual reorganisation and thought .(See problem solving in
Chimpanzees for example of Kohlers work) In one study he wanted chimpanzees to
obtain food lying out of reach. The food was either outside the bars of their
cage or suspended from a hook in the ceiling. The chimpanzees learned to use
Bamboo Poles as Rakes and when one was too short, they used 'insight' learning
to fit two bamboo poles together to form a longer rake.
Operant Conditioning - A type of learning in
which behaviour is strengthened if followed by reinforcement, or diminished if
followed by punishment
(See separate sheet)
Operant Conditioning - Skinner(Behaviourist)
argues that Operant conditioning is sufficient to explain all learning. Skinner
also argued that' behaviour operates on the environment to generate
consequences' i.e When a rat presses a lever to obtain a reinforcement it
operates on the environment.
Skinner Box - Skinner designed a chamber
containing a bar or key that an animal can manipulate to obtain a food or water
reinforcer and devices to record the animal's rate of bar pressing or key
pecking to be used in operant conditioning research
Shaping - Skinner used a procedure called
'shaping' which started with some existing behaviour and reinforces closer and
closer approximations of a desired behaviour
Ethologists - Argue that imprinting is a form of
learning that behaviourism cannot explain adequately, since it depends in part
upon an innate disposition to a learning process provided by the environment.(Imprinting
- Restricted Learning that takes place within a relatively compressed time span
, it tends to have a lasting effect on later social behaviour. Classic example
is with ducks, a newly hatched duckling will 'imprint' on and follow an
object that it is exposed to during a critical period. )
Classical Versus Operant Conditioning
Learning through association
Learning through reinforcement
Concerned with a reflex or automatic
Concerned with voluntary behaviour, or any behaviour which
is naturally produced.
Reinforcement is presented before the CR Reinforcement
occurs after the CR
The reinforcement is not related to anything The
organism is instrumental in obtaining reinforcement
the organism might do.
Both involve generalisation, extinction and discrimination.
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