Why are Statistics Needed ?
Introduction to Statistics
Why do Social Scientists do Research
The main aim of research is to collect data in order to test hypotheses.
Descriptive Research
Descriptive Research may establish the age at which children start to babble, or it may find out using a survey, peoples attitudes/opinions to the amount of football on television.
What would your answers be to the above ?
Your answers may possibly be my child started babbling at 4 months and I think there is far too much football on television.
So, Why Statistics ?
Your answers are correct, however they are personal to you.
If I asked 10000 people the age at which children start to babble or their opinion on the amount of football on television, Do you think they would all give me the same answer as you did ?
Or do you think I would be given different answers ?
Yes, I would be given different answers.
Now, which do you think would be the most accurate way of coming to a conclusion on 1)the age at which children start to babble.2) opinion on the amount of football on television.
Would it be
A) Taking into account just my answers
B) Taking into account 10001 peoples answers
The answer or course is B
Why ? Because we have a great deal more information/answers (data) with which to decipher the answer to our question.
When analysing the 10001 answers(data) we would use descriptive statistics to discover and interpret our results.